Friday, July 22, 2011

Silly Monkeys

Things you will need...
  1.  Cut poster board in half. It should be aprox. it 14 inches wide. This will be the height of your book.
 2. Plan your cover and glue pieces down (monkeys, border, text) Once it's glued you can't easily be changed. But if you do pull up something up do it right after it's down or it will tare the poster-board. Glue the water trimmer and trim excess. Save all extras to use later.

3. Plan out pages 1-5.

4. Page 1 and 4. Glue Monkeys. Then move to the next page. When working on page 2 glue monkey on next empty page after the first monkey and cut after him. Theses pieces will be pages 2 and 3. Page 5 is whole poster board with monkey on edge. If I were making the book a second time I would have glued the rest of the page also.

 Should look like so when down with Step 4.
5. Create last page seen below in finished book pages.
6. Laminate, trust me you want to laminate it. It will last A LOT longer. I cannot Laminate right now because my laminate guy is temperately without a laminator. So I'm waiting but I have included a picture of a jumbo box which I made that is laminated and with rings
7. Hole punch the edge bind with your choice. I use hinged rings. The book won't lose pages by using them.


Teasing Mr. Crocodile 
Five little monkeys
Sitting in a tree
Teasing Mr. Crocodile,
"You can't catch me."
Along came Mr. Crocodile,
Quiet as can be

Four little monkeys
Sitting in a tree
Teasing Mr. Crocodile,
"You can't catch me."
Along came Mr. Crocodile,
Quiet as can be

Three little monkeys
Sitting in a tree
Teasing Mr. Crocodile,
"You can't catch me."
Along came Mr. Crocodile,
Quiet as can be

Two little monkeys
Sitting in a tree
Teasing Mr. Crocodile,
"You can't catch me."
Along came Mr. Crocodile,
Quiet as can be

One little monkey
Sitting in a tree
Teasing Mr. Crocodile,
"You can't catch me."
Along came Mr. Crocodile,
Quiet as can be

No more little monkeys
Sitting in a tree