Saturday, April 16, 2011

Night out

Last Thursday night I went out to see a play with my mom. I had a wonderful time we went to a restaurant called Miss Saigon. We ate fired Cornish hen over red rice, the chicken was good and the rice was tasteless. Then went went to catch the play was Irma Vep. The play was fun, and we had a great time.
 This is what I wore, my shoes and toes.
A paper mache horse hanging from ceiling, you can see them but there are suspenders attached So some one can wear it.

The lounge we had a lemon square before the show. This is one of the many hats they had hanging from My Fair Lady hanging from the ceiling.

This is the theater. I am not including any photos of the actual play for oblivious reasons.

Thank you Mom I had a wonderful night.